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- Bounty Hunter Pioneer 505 Manual
- Pioneer Ex Bounty Hunter Manual
OWNER’S MANUAL The Pioneer 505 is a professional metal detector. The concepts and terminology can be quite unfamiliar if you are new to the hobby. To understand it quickly and to get the most enjoyment possible from your detector, we strongly recommend that you: 1) Watch the video. It is 21 minutes long. Uncover buried treasure with the Bounty Hunter Pioneer EX Metal Detector. It offers many features for both serious and casual treasure hunters. This Bounty Hunter Pioneer metal detector is automated and easy to use due to its sophisticated, reliable design.
Tracker seriesManuals
Pioneer 101 Manual pdf748k
Pioneer 101-202 Salesman Guidepdf 748k
The Tracker series have been popular for years, not only because they'reaffordable, but also because the design works well. You might find more infoand comments online about the Tracker IV than any other Bounty Hunter detector.There are even a few highly-experienced detectorists who have owned dozensof machines yet they still keep a Tracker IV in their stable.
You'll find numerous clones and derivitives that are identical or share someof the features, such as Walmart's Pioneer 101. If you find one at a priceyou like, snap it up and find out for yourself!
One frequent owner comment is that the meter seems to peg on any target.This may be the case for most signals, but I've found if you watch the meter,you may notice it might barely move on a deep or tiny target, while theremay not be an audible signal at all. Don't ignore the 'useless' meter! Itmight pay to keep this tip in mind and see if it helps you recover some findsthat would have otherwise been missed had you relied on only the audio.
NOTE: Images are excluded due to the memory requirements; therefore, therewill be references to illustrations that do not exist in this text only document.All illustrations can be found in the original manual published by FirstTX Mfg. Co. and available through the factory: (915) 855-4206.
Copyright ®1998 by Bounty Hunter Corp./First TX Mfg. Co.
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this Website and content,or parts thereof, in any form, except for the inclusion of brief quotationsin a review. Published by Bounty Hunter Corp./First TX Mfg. Co.
The Tracker I-D brings true treasure hunting enjoyment. It has been designedfor ultra simplicity with easy-to-use automatlc features.
Assembly of this unit is easy and requires no special tools. The only assemblyrequired is to attach the search coil and lower stem to the upper stem andthe control housing. Fresh batteries can then be installed and the detectorwill be ready for use.
1. Depress the adjustment button on the lower stem.
2. Push the lower stem into the upper stem.
3. Wind the search coil cable around the stem as shown by rotating the lowerstem within the upper stem. CAUTION: Provide enough slack in the cable nearthe search coil end to allow for proper adjustment of the search coil angle.
4. Position the lower stem adjustment button into on of the upper stem adjustmentholes. The stem length can be adjusted to fit the person using the detector.
The Tracker I-D uses two 9 volt transistor batteries. Access to the batteriesis gained by pulling off the two snap-on covers located on the bottom ofthe detector. Attach batteries to battery snaps and replace the covers.
NOTE: Approximately 90% of metal detector problems are caused by weak, deador improperly connected batteries. If the unit does not come on, or comeson and has weak volume, will not tune properly, or has erratic operationor drifts, CHECK THE BATTERIES.
It is always a good idea to remove the batteries prior to prolonged storage,asweak batteries can vent and leak. This leakage is corrosive and can do seriousdamage to the unit.
The Tracker I-D is a state-of-the-art 'motion' detector and does not havea 'non-motion' mode of operation. This means that the search coil must bemoving slightly to detect and 'beep' the presence of a metallic object. Theultra slow motion is so slight that pinpointing is very easy.
The automatic ground rejection circuitry allows operation in virtually anymineralization and at the same time most iron and foil trash is automaticallyignored.
The unique dual tone 'beep' and automatic iron/foil rejection makes findingtreasure easy and fun.
Turn on.
1. With the coil approximately 1/2' above the ground.
2. Turn the 'on-off/Sensitivity' control to ON. NOTE: The detector is normallysilent operating until the coil passes over a metallic object. When firstturned On, sensitivity will be at its lower setting. Turning the controltoward 'max' further increases sensitivity. If the unit 'chatters', reducethe sensitivity slightly, until the chatter stops. For maximum performance,operate with the sensitivity as high as possible. The sensitivity can generallybe set higher when the Discriminator is on.
The Tracker II is equipped with a convenient simple Audio Target Identification(ATI) system that automatically classifies detected metal objects into twocategories.
Adjust the DISCRIMINATE control higher to increase the range of the low tone.It is possible to set the DISCRIMINATE level so that nickels have a low tone,largest coins have a high tone and pull tabs have an in-between 'broken'tone, making them easily recognizable.
The mineral content of soil will vary from area to area. Usually the mineralvariances will cause a metal detector to give false signals as it is movedabout. The Tracker ID has an exclusive Dual-Trac Ground Control thatautomatically adjusts to the actual soil condition and keeps the detectorproperly tune.
The VIEW METER will give a visual indication by movement of the needle tothe right when an object is detected.
Stand with your arm extended only slightly in front of your body. Don't bendor stoop, but stand in an upright position that is comfortable. Hold theunit so the search coil is about 1/2' above the ground. Adjust the searchcoil so that it is parallel to the ground.
With the detector in the search position swing the search coil gently sideto side, slightly overlapping each sweep as you move forward. Make sure youkeep your search at approximately 1/2' above the ground as you search. Raisingit in the sweep or at the ends of your sweep will cause false readings. Moveslowly, hurrying will only cause you to miss targets.
Most good objects will respond with a good repeatable signal tone. Whendiscriminating, rejected iron and foil objects generally do not respond.False signals can be caused by black sand, rashly ground, electricalinterference, or by large irregular trash objects. These signals are easilyrecognized by their often broken or unrepeatable nature.
Accurate pinpointing takes practice and is best accomplished by 'X-ing' thesuspected target area.
1. Once a buried target is indicated by a good tone response, continue sweepingthe coil over the target in a narrowing side to side pattern. Take visualnote of the place on the ground where the 'beep' happens as the coil is slowlymoved side to side. Stop the coil directly over this spot on the ground.Now move the coil straight forward and straight back towards you a coupleof times. Again make visual note of the spot on the ground at which the 'beep'occurs. If needed 'X' the target at different angles to 'zero in' on theexact spot on the ground at which the 'beep' happens.
REMEMBER: The detector will beep just as the center of the search coil passesdirectly over the buried target.
If you have difficulty pin pointing very strong signals, try lifting thecoil higher off the ground until a weaker but more concise signal is hear.for very weak signal try moving the coil in short quick sweeps closer tothe ground.
Respect the rights and property of others.
2. Observe all laws, whether national, state or local. Aid law enforcementofficials whenever possible.
3. Never destroy priceless historical or archaeological
4. Leave the land and vegetation as it was. Fill in all holes.
5. Remove all trash and litter when you leave.
6. All treasure hunters may be judged by the example you set. Always obtainpermission before searching any site. Be extremely careful with your probing,picking up and discarding of trash, and ALWAYS COVER YOUR HOLES!
Copyright ®1998 by Bounty Hunter Corp./First TX Mfg. Co.
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this Website and content,or parts thereof, in any form, except for the inclusion of brief quotationsin a review. Published by Bounty Hunter Corp./First TX Mfg. Co.
The Tracker II brings true treasure hunting enjoyment. It has been designedfor ultra simplicity with easy-to-use automatic features.
Assembly of this unit is easy and requires no special tools. The only assemblyrequired is to attach the search coil and lower stem to the upper stem andthe control housing. Fresh batteries can then be installed and the detectorwill be ready for use.
Depress the adjustment button on the lower stem. Push the lower stem intothe upper stem. Wind the search coil cable around the stem as shown by rotatingthe lower stem within the upper stem. CAUTION: Provide enough slack in thecable near the search coil end to allow for proper adjustment of the searchcoil angle. Position the lower stem adjustment button into on of the upperstem adjustment holes. The stem length can be adjusted to fit the personusing the detector.
The Tracker II uses two 9 volt transistor batteries. Access to the batteriesis gained by pulling off the two snap-on covers located on the bottom ofthe detector. Attach batteries to battery snaps and replace the covers.
NOTE: Approximately 90% of metal detector problems are caused by weak, deador improperly connected batteries. If the unit does not come on, or comeson and has weak volume, will not tune properly, or has erratic operationor drifts, CHECK THE BATTERIES.
It is always a good idea to remove the batteries prior to prolonged storage,as weak batteries can vent and leak. This leakage is corrosive and can doserious damage to the unit.
The Tracker II is a state-of-the-art 'motion' detector and does not havea 'non-motion' mode of operation. This means that the search coil must bemoving slightly to detect and 'beep' the presence of a metallic object. Theultra slow motion is so slight that pinpointing is very easy.
The automatic ground rejection circuitry allows operation in virtually anymineralization and at the same time most iron and foil trash is automaticallyignored.
The unique dual tone 'beep' and automatic iron/foil rejection makes findingtreasure easy and fun.
Turn on. With the coil approximately 1/2' above the ground. Turn the'on-off/Sensitivity' control to ON. NOTE: The detector is normally silentoperating until the coil passes over a metallic object. When first turnedOn, sensitivity will be at its lower setting. Turning the control toward'max' further increases sensitivity. If the unit 'chatters', reduce thesensitivity slightly, until the chatter stops. For maximum performance, operatewith the sensitivity as high as possible. The sensitivity can generally beset higher when the Discriminator is on.
The Tracker II is equipped with a convenient simple Audio Target Identification(ATI) system that automatically classifies detected metal objects into twocategories.
Adjust the DISCRIMINATE control higher to increase the range of the low tone.It is possible to set the DISCRIMINATE level so that nickels have a low tone,largest coins have a high tone and pull tabs have an in-between 'broken'tone, making them easily recognizable.
The mineral content of soil will vary from area to area. Usually the mineralvariances will cause a metal detector to give false signals as it is movedabout. The Tracker II has an exclusive Dual-Trac Ground Control thatautomatically adjusts to the actual soil condition and keens the detectorproperly tuned. For normal operation set the Ground Control. If you experiencefalse signaling in highly mineralized areas adjust the control to the rightor left until the false signals are eliminated.
The VIEWMETER will give a visual indication by movement of the needle tothe right when an object is detected.
Stand with your arm extended only slightly in front of your body. Don't bendor stoop, but stand in an upright position that is comfortable. Hold theunit so the search coil is about 1/2' above the ground. Adjust the searchcoil so that it is parallel to the ground.
Bounty Hunter Pioneer 505 Manual
With the detector in the search position swing the search coil gently sideto side, slightly overlapping each sweep as you move forward. Make sure youkeep your search at approximately 1/2' above the ground as you search. Raisingit in the sweep or at the ends of your sweep will cause false readings. Moveslowly, hurrying will only cause you to miss targets.
Most good objects will respond with a good repeatable signal tone. Whendiscriminating, rejected iron and foil objects generally do not respond.False signals can be caused by black sand, rashly ground, electricalinterference, or by large irregular trash objects. These signals are easilyrecognized by their often broken or unrepeatable nature.
Accurate pinpointing takes practice and is best accomplished by 'X-ing' thesuspected target area.
Once a buried target is indicated by a good tone response, continue sweepingthe coil over the target in a narrowing side to side pattern. Take visualnote of the place on the ground where the 'beep' happens as the coil is slowlymoved side to side. Stop the coil directly over this spot on the ground.Now move the coil straight forward and straight back towards you a coupleof times. Again make visual note of the spot on the ground at which the 'beep'occurs. If needed 'X' the target at different angles on the exact spot onthe ground at which the 'beep' happens.
REMEMBER: The detector will beep just as the center of the search coil passesdirectly over the buried target.
If you have difficulty pin pointing very strong signals, try lifting thecoil higher off the ground until a weaker but more concise signal is hear.for very weak signal try moving the coil in short quick sweeps closer tothe ground.
1. Respect the rights and property of others.
2. Observe all laws, whether national, state or local. All law enforcementofficials whenever possible.
3. Never destroy priceless historical or archaeological treasures.
4. Leave the land and vegetation as it was. Fill in all holes.
5. Remove all trash and litter when you leave.
6. All treasure hunters may be judged by the example you set. Always obtainpermission before searching any site. Be extremely careful with your probing,picking up and discarding of trash, and ALWAYS COVER YOUR HOLES!
Copyright ®1998 by Bounty Hunter Corp./First TX Mfg. Co.
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this Website and content,or parts thereof, in any form, except for the inclusion of brief quotationsin a review. Published by Bounty Hunter Corp./First TX Mfg. Co.
This is a Motion Detector System and movement is required to make detection.Searchcoil must move across target (or target move across searchcoil). FullDiscriminate (Toggle Switch in Left Position) will emit one high tone whilerejecting most iron and trash items. Tone Discriminate (Toggle Switch inRight Position) emits two tones: high tone for silver, copper and brass itemsand low tone for nickel, gold and pull-tabs. All Metals (Toggle Switch inthe Middle Position) emits one high tone for all types of metal. The DISCRIMINATEcontrol can be set to a desired level when operating in the Full & ToneDiscriminate Modes.
NOTE: Do not attempt to test unit by placing coin or metal objects onto afloor, because most floors contain metal which will interfere with the detector'soperation.
The Tracker IV is a user-friendly instrument, requiring only a minimum ofoperator skill, yet delivering effective performance over a wide range ofconditions and applications.
Streamlined in appearance, with only two operating knobs and a mode selectionswitch, the Tracker IV has eliminated the two most difficult aspects of metaldetector operation: Tuning and Ground Balancing. Both of these functionsare automatic with the Tracker IV.
The Tracker IV will detect in extreme ground conditions from salt (beachhunting) to black sand (gold prospecting) with no operator adjustments tothe circuitry and with no loss of sensitivity.
Assembling your Tracker IV Metal Detector is easy and requires no specialtools. Just follow these steps:
1. Using the supplied bolt and knurled knob, attach the searchcoil to thelower stem.
Bounty Hunter 505 Metal Detector
2. Press the button on the upper end of the lower stem and slide the lowerstem into the upper stem.
Adjust the stem to a length that lets you maintain a comfortable uprightposture, with your arm relaxed at your side and the searchcoil level to theground and about 1/2 to 2 inches above the ground.
3. Wind the searchcoil cable around the stem. Leave enough slack in the cableto let you adjust the coil when you are hunting on uneven ground. Then tightenthe knob at the end of the searchcoil.
Note: To adjust the coil, simply loosen the knob.
4. Insert the coil's plug into the matching connector on the control housing.Be sure the holes and pins line up correctly.
· Do not force the plug or you might damage it.
· To disconnect the cable, pull out the plug. Do not pull on the cable.
Approximately 90% of metal detector problems are caused by weak, dead orimproperly connected batteries. If the unit does not come on, or comes onand has weak volume, will not tune properly, or has erratic operation ordrifts, CHECK THE BATTERIES. Always remove batteries for prolonged storageof unit.
The Low Battery indicator light will come on and stay on whenever the batteriesneed replacing. It will always 'flash' momentarily whenever the Power Switchis turned off. This lets you know it is working properly and batteries aregood.
IMPORTANT: Your Tracker IV metal detector requires two 9-Volt ALKALINE batteries.
Follow these steps to install the batteries.
1. Carefully remove battery compartment door by pressing release clip atright side of door.
2. Snap one battery onto each of the terminals, and place the batteries insidethe compartment.
3. Replace the compartment door by carefully inserting opposite side of clipfirst. Then press carefully down on clip side until battery door snaps inplace.
Caution: Only use fresh batteries of the required size and type.
The Tracker IV is a 'motion' detector. This means that the search coil mustbe moving slightly to detect the presence of metal. The motion required isslight and pinpointing of the target is very easy. When practicing, keepthe target moving. Objects held still under the searchcoil will be tunedout.
The VIEWMETER will give a visual indication by movement of the needle tothe right when an object is detected.
Bounty Hunter Pioneer 505 Video
The Mode Toggle Switch allows instant selection from 3 modes of operation:All Metal, Full Discriminate and Tone Discriminate.
I. ALL METAL: Set the Mode Toggle Switch to the center position and the detectorwill detect all metals.
II. DISCRIMINATE: Set the Mode Switch to DISC to automatically reject ironand most trash items. Adjust the DISCRIMINATE control higher to increasethe range of discrimination. Be aware that discrimination of pull-tabs willcause nickels and some gold rings to also be rejected.
III. TONE: When using the Tone Discriminator, a unique dual tone 'beep' andthe automatic iron rejection makes finding treasure easy and fun.
TONE DISCRIMINATION classifies detected metal objects into a low or hightone category.
Adjust the DISCRIMINATE control higher to increase the range of the low tone.It is possible to set the DISCRIMINATE level so that nickels have a low tone,larger coins have a high tone and pull-tabs have a low tone or in-between'broken' tone, making them easily recognizable.
Sensitivity will be slightly reduced when using either the DISC or TONEDiscriminator.
With the Mode Switch you can go from DISC or TONE to ALL METAL, and backagain, without changing the Discriminate level.
GROUND CONTROL: The Tracker IV automatic Ground Trac feature allows operationin virtually any mineralization of ground with full power.
Use it effectively on the beach or for gold prospecting. In the ALL METALMode, the Tracker IV will detect gold nuggets thru black sand! Finds relicsin all types of soil, deeply and with ease.
Turn the 'On-Off/Sensitivity' control to ON. NOTE: The detector is normallysilent when operating until the coil passes over a metallic object.
When first turned on, Sensitivity will be at its lower setting. Turning thecontrol toward 'HIGH' increases sensitivity. If the unit 'chatters' , reducethe sensitivity slightly, until the chatter stops.
Stand with your arm extended only slightly in front of your body. Don't bendor stoop, but stand in an upright position that is comfortable. Hold theunit so the search coil is about 1/2' above the ground. Adjust the searchcoil so that it is parallel to the ground.
With the detector in the search position swing the search coil gently sideto side, slightly overlapping each sweep as you move forward. Make sure youkeep your search coil approximately 1/2' above ground as you search. Raisingit in the sweep or at the ends of your sweep will cause false readings. Moveslowly, hurrying will only cause you to miss targets.
Most good objects will respond with a good repeatable signal tone. Whendiscriminating, rejected iron and foil objects generally do not respond.False signals can be caused by trashy ground, electrical interference, orby large irregular trash objects. These signals are easily recognized bytheir often broken or non-repeatable nature.
Accurate pinpointing takes practice and is best accomplished by 'X-ing' thesuspected target area.
1. Once a buried target is indicated by a good tone response, continue sweepingthe coil over the target in a narrowing side to side pattern.
2. Take visual note of the place on the ground where the 'beep' happens asthe coil is slowly moved side to side.
3. Stop the coil directly over this spot on the ground.
4. Now move the coil straight forward and straight back towards you a coupleof times.
5. Again make visual note of the spot on the ground at which the 'beep' occurs.
6. If needed 'X' the target at different angles to 'zero in' on the exactspot on the ground at which the 'beep' happens.
REMEMBER: The detector will beep just as the center of the search coil passesdirectly over the buried target.
If you have difficulty pinpointing very strong signals, try lifting the coilhigher off the ground until a weaker but more concise signal is heard. Forvery weak signals try moving the coil in short quick sweeps closer to theground.
The following troubleshooting steps may assist you in case you're havingproblems with your Tracker IV.
Your SENSITIVITY may be set too high. Try cutting back the SENSITIVITY slightlyuntil the false signaling disappears. Remember, to swing your coil slowly.Some false signals will occur on highly rusted metals, but if the signaldoes not repeat over the same area while passing the coil over it, then thetarget is usually not worthwhile.
Your toggle switch is more than likely in the middle position. Push the toggleswitch to the left for Full Discriminate without Low Tones or to the rightfor Tone Discriminate with Low Tones.
This can occur if you're operating near another detector or near power linesthat can interfere with the frequency that the detector operates on.
Bounty Hunter Pioneer 505
This usually occurs when the batteries are low. Try replacing your batterieswith two new alkalines to determine if this is the cause.
Your Tracker IV Metal Detector is an example of superior design andcraftsmanship. The following suggestions will help you care for your metaldetector so you can enjoy it for years.
The coil is waterproof and may be submerged in either fresh or saltwater.Be careful to prevent water from entering the chassis. After using the coilin saltwater, rinse it with fresh water to prevent corrosion of the metalparts.
Handle the metal detector gently and carefully. Dropping it can damage circuitboards and cases and can cause the metal detector to work improperly.
Use and store the metal detector only in normal temperature environments.Temperature extremes can shorten the life of electronic devices and distortor melt plastic parts.
Wipe the metal detector with a damp cloth occasionally to keep it lookingnew. Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents, or strong detergentsto clean the metal detector.
Bounty Hunter 505 Review
1. Respect the rights and property of others.
2. Observe all laws, whether national, state or local.
3. Never destroy historical or archaeological treasures.
4. Leave the land & vegetation as it was. Fill in the holes.
5. All treasure hunters may be judged by the example you set. Always obtainpermission before searching any site. Be extremely careful with your probing,picking up and discarding of trash, and ALWAYS COVER YOUR HOLES!
This product is warranted to the original retail consumer for 5 years fromdate of retail purchase against defects in material and workmanship.
WHAT IS COVERED. Replacement parts and labor. Shipping charges to consumerfor repaired product. WHAT IS NOT COVERED. Shipping charges to BOUNTY HUNTERCORPORATION of defective product. Damages caused by abuse, neglect or failureto perform normal maintenance...see owner's manual. Any other expenses.CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCIDENTAL EXPENSES, INCLUDING PROPERTY DAMAGES. SOMESTATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.
HOW TO OBTAIN WARRANTY PERFORMANCE. Attach to product your name, address,phone number, problem description and proof of date purchased (sales receipt).Pack in original carton or other suitable padded carton and return to BOUNTYHUNTER CORPORATION, shipping charges PREPAID.
To the extent any provision of this warranty is prohibited by federal, state,or municipal law which cannot be pre-empted, it shall not be applicable.This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have otherrights which vary from state to state.
Copyright ©MCMXCVII by First Texas Manufacturing Co.
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or partsthereof, in any form, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.
Published by First Texas Manufacturing Co.
Bounty Hunter® and Tracker® are registered trademarks of First TexasManufacturing Co.
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